3 Back exercises that can save you from years of pain
These pinpoint an infamous part of the back that often gets neglected.
One of the huge dangers around health care is overcomplicating things. This goes for all kinds of ailments but is especially troublesome with exercise prescription because adherence rates are already so low. While there’s nothing wrong with having a detailed regime to follow, don’t be afraid to keep things super simple when you’re just getting started.
Today I want to show you how to use this strategy to build a sustainable back pain prevention plan with some easy movements. These target the low back in particular and can give you instant relief from the life-related soreness that we all know too well. I’ve got a ton of my clients hooked on these due to their simplicity, accessibility, and low time cost. Why not give them a go as well?
Getting Your Low Back Moving Quickly and Easily
Please note that this article is targeted toward ‘apparently healthy’ individuals who don’t have diagnosed issues around the back or chronic diseases. If you are struggling with something, please check in with your provider and approach with caution. If you do have the green light to start this program, try it 3–4 times per week! Just remember to always listen to your body and never push through severe pain.
Application: 2 x 10 / side
Cues: Stand in front of a step-up or stair. Raise one foot back and plant your heel on the surface. Next, push through the heel to engage the glute and extend the back leg. While it may feel against what you want to do, allow the hip to intentionally drop down to the lower leg’s side as you lower. Then, on the way up, allow them to join back together in a level position. This will help engage the QL and get some much-needed movement through the stiff low back.
Application: 8–10 walks forward + backward x 2/3 bouts
Cues: Start in a seated position with your legs extended out in front of you. Next, slowly shuffle your way forwards by subtly shifting the hips back and forth while keeping the spine upright. After a few feet, try repeating this process going backward. While this exercise may look slightly ridiculous, it does a fantastic job at isolating the QL group and waking up the deep posterior muscles of the core.
Application: 10–15 reps or 30–45s / side
Cues: Ok, this one is certainly a level-up from the first two, but I’m still confident that nearly everyone can pull it off 100% safely. If you need to, please start on your knees! Drop yourself onto your elbow with the only other point of contact being your foot. Ensure the core is engaged and glutes are squeezed together.
Once you’re locked in, slowly raise the top leg 1–2 feet towards the ceiling. Keep your top leg internally rotated so the heel stays in line with the toes — this will help engage your glutes while avoiding quadriceps takeover. Once you complete the recommended reps or start to lose form due to fatigue, rest for a brief period and switch sides.
In Closing,
Freedom from back pain isn’t far away if you’re willing to be consistent and put in the necessary work. Fortunately for you, this work doesn’t need to be all that hard to be very effective. Even a few minutes per week can unlock your low back, giving you energy and functionality to complete all your daily tasks to your fullest abilities. Who doesn’t want that?
Say goodbye to low back pain today!
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